15M |
![]() France Ventus 2A 7121 pts. |
18M |
![]() United Kingdom ASG 29/18m 7283 pts. |
![]() United Kingdom Nimbus 4 6945 pts. |
FAI International Pilots Rankings
You can post your impressions, feelings and opinions here. Feel free & enjoy !
[2009-07-09 20:48:41] [183]
Ed Davies - Soaring spot 403
Thanks Benno - let's hope they fix it soon. It only broke in the last hour or so, the very preliminary scores were there OK.
[2009-07-09 20:41:28] [182]
Guest - No subject
Get some results up
[2009-07-09 20:38:57] [181]
Benno - same error
Yupp, I get error403 as well
[2009-07-09 20:36:59] [180]
Ed Davies - Soaring spot broken?
Keep getting 403 forbidden from for EGC 2009 and other scores. Anybody else?
[2009-07-09 20:28:26] [179]
Birdy - Elfo, Elfo
Great pics, thanks for all, but please take pics about 15m too.before starting. I miss it
[2009-07-09 20:26:53] [178]
Guest - Hungary
Gyerünk fiuk!!!
[2009-07-09 20:11:43] [177]
titi - To news writer
Thanks for your feedback.
[2009-07-09 20:10:34] [176]
riri - English day today.
God safe the queen.
[2009-07-09 20:01:35] [175]
titi - do not trust tomorrow
consider that weather will be
[2009-07-09 19:59:05] [174]
titi - Congrats
From what I see english team wins open class again. Congratulations. Would be nice if news writer could confirm.
[2009-07-09 17:43:32] [173]
Winston Church - Stiff upper lip chaps
No matter what happens boys, remember that you're British and that the garlic eating surrender monkeys will be chasing you from behind but don't really pose a threat.........
[2009-07-09 14:56:46] [172]
XXL's fan club - Go, go Laurent
Les cumulus slovènes viennent de nous appeler, ils vont tracer le chemin rien que pour toi, les aigles sont admiratifs et veillent sur toi !!!
Gros bisous de ton fan club !
Gros bisous de ton fan club !
[2009-07-09 14:54:23] [171]
Madeleine - Laurent et Arthur
Vas y Laurent, de tout coeur avec toi !
Arthur, veille sur ton Papa et prends grand soin du planeur !!!!!
Gros Bisous
Arthur, veille sur ton Papa et prends grand soin du planeur !!!!!
Gros Bisous
[2009-07-09 14:40:17] [170]
Gyuri do your best today!!!!!!! Gooooooo!!!!!!! ______V8______/ Gooooo!!!!!!!!!
[2009-07-09 14:35:45] [169]
titi - X
go, go, go. Do it today. Last day is always pretty short pseudo task
[2009-07-09 14:07:19] [168]
Koma TH - Sandor V7 [LS]
Sandor go go go .That's yours Condor fan club. Have a best thermal on your tasks. cu
[2009-07-09 13:42:54] [167]
XXL's fan club - Go, go Laurent
Bon vol, les courants ascendants t'attendent, les moucherons slovaques claquent des dents, nos doigts commencent un point de tricot frénétique et nos coeurs s'emballent....
Gros bisous de tout ton fan club !!!
Gros bisous de tout ton fan club !!!
[2009-07-09 13:25:18] [166]
M Hood - Good Luck
Good Luck guys! Nice to see GB back at the top of the leader board - pics of Nitra bring back some good memories!! All the best, Marilyn
[2009-07-09 12:41:07] [165]
I.K. - No subject
Sekmes, LIETUVIAI !!!
[2009-07-09 05:30:50] [164]
XXL's fan club - Go, Go Laurent
Totale concentration, choix pertinents,grande prudence, nous sommes tous derrière toi, tellement fiers....
nous sommes envahis par les crampes à force de faire la "Ola".....
Plein de bisous !!!!
nous sommes envahis par les crampes à force de faire la "Ola".....
Plein de bisous !!!!
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