FAI International Pilots Rankings
You can post your impressions, feelings and opinions here. Feel free & enjoy !
[2011-07-18 23:50:03] [35]
Derren - Soaring spot
Soaring spot seems to be down, can you publish the scores on your website? Thanks
[2011-07-18 21:41:03] [34]
Schmeltz CG - SA
Tillykke Poul Kim og Karsten. Super flot begyndelse. Held og lykke til alle. Ole, vi ses på skype? Poul Kim, åbner du snart en blog?
[2011-07-18 20:28:10] [33]
j the swede - @ visitor
Go to www.soaringspot.com
egc nitra
you will find everything there
egc nitra
you will find everything there
[2011-07-18 20:02:42] [32]
Visitor - Tasks
Where can we see the tasks ?
[2011-07-18 19:17:26] [31]
Ritz - good luck
Good luck to ALL participants. Enjoy !!!May the best win!!!
Good luck for the organisers, with your [Pribina Cup-] experience it should be no problem!
Good luck for the organisers, with your [Pribina Cup-] experience it should be no problem!
[2011-07-18 19:14:36] [30]
Ritz - blog
On request I will write, in my style, an every-day-analyse on this Nitra 20011 EGC. Join in if you wish!!!www.soaring.eu
[2011-07-18 17:56:16] [29]
j the swede - reg tracking
will you never equip STD class with trackers during competition?
What are you using to track?
What are you using to track?
[2011-07-18 17:48:43] [28]
Martin (OXX) - Good luck to German Team
Good luck to German Team, especially to Franz (BP) . Bring nen Pokal mit!
[2011-07-18 17:02:10] [27]
Sergio - Forza ragazzi
Forza Alessandro e Luca
In bocca al lupo.
In bocca al lupo.
[2011-07-18 15:34:58] [26]
Vladimir - Re: j the swede - tracking
Today we will set up tracking and it is likely it will be given to all 20m multi seaters or PW5s every day.
[2011-07-18 15:33:50] [25]
Vladimir - Re: Dušan
Vzlety sú plánované na 12:30
[2011-07-18 15:24:13] [24]
Nicole - succes aan het Belgische team
hou het veilig en beleef veel plezier, als jullie dan ook nog mogen winnen, is het plaatje compleet.
[2011-07-18 14:55:10] [23]
j the swede - tracking
no trackers for gliders?
[2011-07-18 14:43:13] [22]
Mk22 - Nasca
Nomava mmmamam aoosms
[2011-07-18 13:09:22] [21]
tibor70 - orli tatranski
bez medajle sa nevracajte! :)
[2011-07-18 11:12:23] [20]
Freddy - No subject
Team Germany!!!! Viiel Erfolg!!!
[2011-07-18 00:28:35] [19]
Dusan - divak
Hi, I want to ask when I pays to be tomorrow at the airport so I was pleased by the beauty? :) Thank you
[2011-07-18 00:24:40] [18]
Blueberry - No subject
[2011-07-18 00:14:47] [17]
Dusan - divak
zdravim, chcem sa spytat, kedy sa mi zajtra oplati byt na letisku aby som sa potesil tou krasou ? :) dakujem
[2011-07-17 21:24:18] [16]
OLO - Tomisław, Loszka
Zgodnie z planem - tak trzymać! Brawo Michał!
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