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Competition - 12th Sep 2010
2010-09-12 17:58:42
Ivan (CZ) is on the final glide without using the engine. We have a winner! Congratulations:)
2010-09-12 17:55:35
Alena (AJ) is on final after using the engine.
2010-09-12 17:31:07
PL outlanded near Nitra. The other 3 gliders are still in the air.
2010-09-12 16:16:43
PL, LA, CZ and AJ are still trying to finish the task. We will see how they will do.
2010-09-12 15:33:57
MC, RS and EK are on their way to the airfield on engine. 10 and WO have outlanded.
2010-09-12 15:02:48
ZX outlanded on the first turning point and KM used engine to come back at the airfield.
2010-09-12 14:53:17
PX and LK are back at the airport. The weather looks very difficult.
2010-09-12 14:45:45
We have the first outlanding LF and LK is on engine.
2010-09-12 14:28:03
EK landed back at the airport right before the opening of the start line and 71 shortly after him. They took off immediately continuing the task. Watching the tracking system it seems like the pilots have the boxes inside the gliders in an opossite direction:D
2010-09-12 13:42:24
The start line will be opened at 14:00.
2010-09-12 13:39:55
All gliders are in the air in less than 30 minutes. Tracking is finally working so do not forget it check it out on :) If you are at the airport you can also watch it in the bar on the screen. The start line is still not opened because we are waiting for the cloud bases to reach at least 1000 meters.
2010-09-12 12:49:23
Group photos have been made and it is time to go to the grid. First launch is confirmed to 13:00 LOC. The task B is valid with the distance of 146,1 km. Good luck pilots :)
2010-09-12 11:45:46
Starts are posponed to 13:00 due to the weather condition. The clouds have developed to a complete layer so the B task is being prepared.
2010-09-12 11:30:04
Pilots are preparing for the flight and the grid is slowly filling. The sky is full of cumulus clouds that are quite low. There is no wind. Now it´s the lunch time and chefs have just finished the soup so feel free to have one:)
2010-09-12 10:33:52
It´s shortly after the briefing and the task is 193,4 km long. It is a polygon with 5 points. Gridding starts at 10:30 and the first start is planned for 12:00 LOC. A group photo of all pilots, crews and the organizing team will be taken at 11:45 on the grid.
2010-09-12 08:49:52
The first day of the competition is here! The sun is shining and the weather forecast for today seems quite good due to the high pressure that is influencing our area today. We might expect low cloud bases therefore the task will be aimed to the lowland. Runway in use is 33 and the grid is opened from 10:30 am. Please DO NOT PUT YOUR GLIDER ON THE GRID before this time. More info after the briefing (10 am).