FAI International Pilots Rankings
Competition | 13th Apr 11th Apr 10th Apr 8th Apr 7th Apr 11th Jan |
Competition - 7th Apr 2012
2012-04-07 17:44:47
1st Day of Pribina cup
Waking up into the sunny morning looked very promising and we all hoped for a flying day. Unfortunatelly, the weather situation slowly started to worsen and the cloud mass was aproaching towards the airfield. Despite that we still expected a window to come and we were waiting with the launching. A probative flight was made and thermals 0,5 to 1 m/s were reported. First start was confirmed to 12:45 for the 15m and club class. As they were able to keep up in the air open and double seaters were towed. At first, they were holding on above the airport but with the first raindrops it was more that obvious that thermal activity is over. Gliders were not able to stay up in the air anymore and the discipline was cancelled. First day was not a valid one but at least we gave it a shot.