FAI International Pilots Rankings
Competition | 13th Apr 11th Apr 10th Apr 8th Apr 7th Apr 11th Jan |
Competition - 8th Apr 2012
2012-04-08 22:50:44
A Successful Day!
Waking up by the sun shines was a good sign for a flying day. The sky was clear and the weather forecast looked promising. Despite the strong northern wind task setters decided to set 260 to 310 km racing tasks. Launching was planned for 11:30 and when Blanik announced 1,5 thermal there was no need to wait any longer. Starts took 55 minutes and all gliders were in the air ready to fight with the wind. According to pilots thermals were strong average 4 m/s. One pilot even experienced thermal 6,8 m/s. Around Trencin there were rain showers (even snow shower) that might have complicated the situation. Despite the showers and strong wind lots of pilots were able to successfully complete the task. Around 4pm landings took place. The most trouble had the club class, but we have the first valid day! Tomorrow is expected to be a little worse but we should be still able to fly.