FAI International Pilots Rankings
Competition | 13th Apr 11th Apr 10th Apr 8th Apr 7th Apr 11th Jan |
Competition - 11th Apr 2012
2012-04-11 22:37:15
4th Valid Day!
In the morning there seemed to be a small hope for the flying weather. The sky was covered with the high and middle layer clouds and the southern wind was strong. The tasks setters had a hard time to create a proper task to make this competition valid. With the hope for a small window all classes received the assigned area tasks with the task time of 2 hours.
The window came around nood and the starts were confirmed to 12:45 for the club class and 13:00 for other classes. The intention for the tasks was to use the wind for the ridge flying. It was a big challenge for the pilots but there were many to be able to complete the task.
Landings started aroud 4 pm. Around 6 pm all gliders were already home. Successfully this day turned out to be a valid one thanks to the good meteorologist, tasks setter and great pilots! Pilots used all sorts of the energy from thermals, through ridge and also wave. After all there turned out to be quite a party in the bar :)