FAI International Pilots Rankings
Epilogue | 28th Sep |
Competition | 15th Apr 14th Apr 13th Apr 12th Apr 11th Apr 10th Apr 9th Apr 8th Apr 7th Apr |
Training week | 6th Apr 3rd Apr |
Preparations | 5th Feb 10th Jan |
Competition - 7th Apr 2012
2012-04-07 15:23:10
There is soft rain outside and pilots are demounting their gliders. Some are already hiding away from the rain in the bar. Unfortunatelly, the weather situation did not allow us to compete today. We hope for the better tomorrow. Strong wind is expected during the night so do not forget to safe your gliders.
2012-04-07 14:15:29
First raindrops are here. The task is cancelled for all classes.
2012-04-07 13:45:35
Opening of the start line:
15m class 13:23
20m class 13:33
Club class 13:52
Open class 14:02
2012-04-07 13:40:33
The start line for 15m, 20m and club class will be opened any minute. Open class is being towed. The weather situation does not look very good at the moment. The sky is covered with clouds and it is already raining in Bratislava. Some gliders have already landed on the airfield.
2012-04-07 13:18:21
Decision was made that all classes will be towed.
2012-04-07 12:36:13
A glider above the airfield reported thermals 0,5 m/s. Therefore starts for 15m class and club class are confirmed to 12:45. Starts for open and double seaters are stand by.
2012-04-07 12:21:31
First launch is posponed to 12.45.
2012-04-07 11:45:37
The weather forecast does not seem very optimistic at the moment. The cloud mass is aproaching towards our area and cloud layer above the airport is thickening. Launching is posponed to 12:30.
2012-04-07 10:59:27
It is shortly after the briefing and the tasks are handed out. All classes received short racing tasks from 142 to 170 km. The sky above the airfield is covered by clouds but first cumulus clouds are visible. Cloud mass is moving forward east and we are expecting a window in the competition area. thermals 1-2 m/s are expected. First launch is planned for 12:00 loc. Grid is closing 15 min before launching. For the hungry ones, chinese soupe is ready back in the kitchen;)
2012-04-07 09:15:55
The sky is slowly covering with clouds but short racing tasks are being prepared. Runway in use is 15. Briefing is planned for 10:00.
2012-04-07 07:09:09
Good Morning Everyone!
We woke up into the sunny morning. The sky is clear and we hope today will be the first flying day :)