FAI International Pilots Rankings
Epilogue | 28th Sep |
Competition | 15th Apr 14th Apr 13th Apr 12th Apr 11th Apr 10th Apr 9th Apr 8th Apr 7th Apr |
Training week | 6th Apr 3rd Apr |
Preparations | 5th Feb 10th Jan |
Competition - 10th Apr 2012
2012-04-10 18:03:31
All glider are accounted for. Have a nice evening.
2012-04-10 17:57:28
Club class and 20m class are already home.
2012-04-10 17:21:55
Arrivals Day 3
Club: AW, R5, SN, VS, ZAR, XII, UX, 37, HWG, LX, GR, B, LZ, VT, LF, 17, OE,101, 37, IF, V5, E9, FK, GJ, BER, R5
15m: CP, IR, PB, HC, ECC, EY, 19, 6H, BS, D9, DI, GI, CH, KG, NF, WZ, ML
20m: 1W, K2, WD, 007, DD, P2, DDT
Open: IM, DT, IE, PES, LA, MU, ZB, 4A, RSI, LA, KOS, MM, 10, 2C, A1, BT, GE, HD, LAI, LR1, WO, ZF, 3B, RA, I, LF, PM, UC
2012-04-10 17:21:19
We can see some trailers already coming back from the field.
2012-04-10 16:05:51
Outlandings Day 3
Club: DM, TL, MB, LL, E, FL, DK
15m: VI, RS, SV, LOT
Open: DC
2012-04-10 15:51:06
Landings have just started.
2012-04-10 14:37:40
Already two outlandings from the club class have been reported.
2012-04-10 14:18:03
The sun is shining and the wind is strong. There were few gliders that had to take off for the second time. Some already crossed the start line. We will see how they will do.
2012-04-10 13:11:11
All gliders are in the air. Launching took 50 minutes. Gliders are still able to keep up in the air. There was just one repeated take off. They are not very high. It seem like it will be very challenging to complete the task. Good luck to all pilots!
2012-04-10 12:09:48
First start is confirmed to 12:15. Pilots are fying the assigned area tasks with the task time 2 hours and 30 minutes.
2012-04-10 11:49:18
First launch is posponed to 12:15
2012-04-10 11:43:59
Blanik above the airfield is reporting 1 m/s thermal
2012-04-10 10:37:40
The briefing is over. The weather is influenced by the weakening warm front that is slowly disolving. Unfortunatelly, the situation will be complicated by the amount of high and middle layer clouds. No rain is expected during the day. Maximum cloud base is expected to be 1200m. Therefore all classes received the assigned area tasks from 110 to 282 km for the club class to 130 to 287 km for the open class. Launching is planned for 12:00 loc.
2012-04-10 09:07:49
The weather situation is expected to be worse than yesterday with high clouds over our area. Despite that we still should be able to fly. More informations at the briefing at 10:00. See you there :)
2012-04-10 07:36:22
Good Morning!
Grid opens at 8.30 and the runway in use is 15.