FAI International Pilots Rankings
Epilogue | 1st Sep |
Competition | 2nd Apr 1st Apr 31st Mar 30th Mar 29th Mar 28th Mar 27th Mar 26th Mar 25th Mar 24th Mar 30th Nov |
Preparations | 17th Jan |
Preparations - 17th Jan 2016
2016-01-17 12:01:11
TPs and Airspace Files
All Turn Points files are now accessible. This TP files are the same as in 2015. You may find there also airfields and airstrips spread accross the flying area (incl. their frequenceis if applicable).
In addition, all airspace files have been uploaded too. There is only one airspace for flying during both, the training and the contest. The airspace files are provided in OpenAir and SeeYou formats. In case there will be some airspace chanhges as a result of negotiation with ATS authorities will will publish updated files.
2016-01-17 11:57:45
Local Procedures
Local procedures were updated compared to the previous events. Although the Pribina Cup competition will use the rules prescribed in FAI Section 3 Annex A except as detailed in the local procedures, these take precedence over Annex A in all cases where a subjected is mentioned here. If the local procedures are silent, Annex A will apply
2016-01-17 11:55:30
Possibility to fly FAI 13,5m class
Please note one interesting information included in the Bulletin no.1. We intend to open this class in case of more than 10 entries of these gliders will register, in order to promote it and allow to pilots to test their performance and equipment in this new class. In case there will be less than 10 gliders registered for thsi class, pilots will be able to compete in club class using relevant handicap for the glider which may be lower than 96.
2016-01-17 11:51:06
The Bulletin No.1
Dear Friends, please read the Bulletin no.1 for Pribina Cup 2016, Nitra (Slovakia). The document is, as usually, available via "Documents & Rules" Menu at the top of the webpage.
2016-01-17 11:49:37
OnLine Registration
Online registration is available for all pilots starting from January 15th, 2016. Please follow carefully all online instructions in order to be registered by February 29th, 2016 as the latest. Note the entry fee is 106 Eur per participating glider.