FAI International Pilots Rankings
Epilogue | 1st Sep |
Competition | 2nd Apr 1st Apr 31st Mar 30th Mar 29th Mar 28th Mar 27th Mar 26th Mar 25th Mar 24th Mar 30th Nov |
Preparations | 17th Jan |
Competition - 26th Mar 2016
2016-03-26 13:00:16
Day is cancelled for all classes. Unfortunatelly, weather conditions are too weak for a task.
2016-03-26 12:31:46
Starts have not been confirmed yet, posponed to 13:00.
2016-03-26 11:49:55
We are planning to send "a snifferr" to try the weather conditions in a minute.
2016-03-26 11:45:57
First launch is posponed to 12.30 p.m. Forecast does not look optimistic at the moment.
2016-03-26 11:10:35
The sky is cloudy and there is no sunshine over Nitra at the moment.
2016-03-26 10:37:23
It is shortly after the briefing and it seems like we might fly today :)
The weather is expected to be energic and unstable while the airmass is very humid. Cumulus clouds will form easily however might deseaper quickly. We are expecting low cloud base of maximum 1200 m, with 5 m/s wind. We will see how the weather situation will develop but there is sunshine and cu clouds at the sky at the moment. The task A is valid for all classes at the moment.
Get ready, first launched planned for 12 loc.
2016-03-26 08:06:27
Good Morning!
Eventhough we woke up into the cloudy morning there is a small chance to fly in the afternoon as you will see in briefing. Therefore it is important to be ready in case it happens because there will not be much time.
Runway in use is 33, sequence same as yesterday. See you in briefing at 10 a.m.