FAI International Pilots Rankings
Epilogue | 1st Sep |
Competition | 2nd Apr 1st Apr 31st Mar 30th Mar 29th Mar 28th Mar 27th Mar 26th Mar 25th Mar 24th Mar 30th Nov |
Preparations | 17th Jan |
Competition - 1st Apr 2016
2016-04-01 18:19:34
Farewell party
Do not forget the farewell party starts at 19:00 in hangar. The rock band is already preparing the stuff, free beer and goulash soup will be served for you. So keep the good mood and have fun :)
2016-04-01 15:32:41
Strong wind is blowing and around 25 pilots decided to try our ridge. Accoarding to flarms some of them reached 1600 m, maybe wave flying? We will see ;)
2016-04-01 12:21:12
2nd briefing is over and unfortunatelly there is no competition task for today. The day is cancelled for all classes. With wind there is a possibility of ridge flying so some "ridge task" is available for all pilots who are interested to try it. Nice rest of the afternoon ;-)
2016-04-01 10:32:17
Briefing is over but no decision yet. The weather situation is very complicated as the cold front is passing our area quite rapidly, no rain expected due to the dry air and strong wind allowing ridge flying expected. Therefore there is another briefing scheduled for 12:00 where we will hear the final sentence.
2016-04-01 07:28:48
Good morning everyone!
The weather predictions are not looking quite good at the moment, so NO GRID until the briefing, we need more time to see the developement of weather.
Briefing as usual at 10 a.m. in hangar, we will see if we will be gridding today. Prepare for strong wind from northwest that is supposted to rise up around 12-2 p.m. Do not forget to check your gliders so there is no unfortunate incident.