Competition | 23rd Aug 22nd Apr 21st Apr 20th Apr 19th Apr 18th Apr 17th Apr 16th Apr 15th Apr 14th Apr |
Training week | 13th Apr 12th Apr 11th Apr |
Preparations | 4th Apr 27th Mar 26th Mar 8th Jan 4th Jan |
Competition - 14th Apr 2017
2017-04-14 19:18:38
All gliders accounted for today. We are waiting for more results if there was anybody able to finish the task...
2017-04-14 16:55:57
To see how the pilots are doing check the PILOT STATUS LIST.
2017-04-14 15:03:16
Not everybody gave up. Some pilots are taking relauch, some already started the task.
2017-04-14 14:38:19
It seem the weather does not allow us to compete today. Most of the pilots are back at the airfield. Couple outlandings have been reported as well.
2017-04-14 14:07:23
More gliders have landed back at the airfield. The weather situation is difficult. Our area is almost fully covered by passive clouds.
2017-04-14 13:56:31
We are after the launching procedure. Almost everybody is in the air right now. Just couple of the club class pilots are taking their second start. The weather is not the best but we will see how the competitors will be doing. Good luck to all of them.
2017-04-14 12:15:53
Starts are confirmed to 12:30.
2017-04-14 11:30:12
First briefing is over and tasks are set. Short RACING TASKS for all classes, from 143 to 188 km. The weather situation is quite difficult to predict at the moment. Our area is influenced by the humid air mass coming from northwest and therefore clouds base is expected to be low from 800m increasing up to 1100m, with thermals 1 - 2 m/s and northwest wind with speed up to 5m/s. For that reason the tasks are set short and aiming above the lowland areas. Right now we can see some sunshine and blue sky above our airport. First launch is planned for 12:30.
2017-04-14 07:51:14
Grid info:
Runway in use 33
Left grid: Club class, 20m self launchers, Open class self launchers
Right grid: 15m class, Double seaters, Open class
OPENING Briefing at 10 am