Competition | 23rd Aug 22nd Apr 21st Apr 20th Apr 19th Apr 18th Apr 17th Apr 16th Apr 15th Apr 14th Apr |
Training week | 13th Apr 12th Apr 11th Apr |
Preparations | 4th Apr 27th Mar 26th Mar 8th Jan 4th Jan |
Competition - 16th Apr 2017
2017-04-16 18:37:32
All gliders are accounted for. Enjoy the rest of the day and see you tomorrow ;)
2017-04-16 17:24:23
We are waiting for the last 13 gliders. According to our information most of competitors were able to finish tasks today. We will see soon on soaringspot how they did.
2017-04-16 16:33:29
Check our WEBCAMs and PILOT STATUS LIST as well.
2017-04-16 16:31:08
The runway is full of gliders and still o lot of them are on their final glides from south-east. You can watch them on
2017-04-16 16:00:11
Many gliders from 20m and Club class on final glide.
2017-04-16 15:45:38
First 20m class gliders home! Others on 10k.
2017-04-16 14:49:30
Two pilots from open class have reported outlandings. After a rainshower period there is again the sun shining and active cumulus clouds above our area.
2017-04-16 14:00:24
Start lines have been opened at:
Open class: 12:38
20m class: 12:57
Club class: 13:16
15m class: 13:20
2017-04-16 13:29:23
We have finished the launching procedure of 136 gliders in 70 minutes. Meanwhile couple of local rainshowers passed our area. It was a complication for a few pilots. Three of them are waiting for second start right now.
2017-04-16 11:48:55
We are getting ready to compete. First launch is confirmed to 12.00 !
2017-04-16 10:51:59
It is after the briefing. First start is planned for 12 pm. There are already a lot of cumulus clouds above us with base about 1000m qnh. We expect cloud base to reach approx. 1600-1800m in our area and about 2000m in the north and east of Nitra. Thermal development will be very fast, quite strong thermals expected but strong N-W wind could complicate the situation. See more in section Weather with all ours forecast presentations.
2017-04-16 09:17:53
After a cold front passed our area from the west during the night we woke up into a morning with sky covered by high level clouds. The cirrus clouds are continually moving towards the east and disappearing as well. Quite strong and cold north-west wind is blowing. But the most important - the sun just started to shine here which make us more optimistic. More about the weather after the briefing as usually at 10 am in the hangar.
2017-04-16 07:20:47
Good morning!
Runway in use: 33
R grid order: Open class, 20m class, 15m class
L grid order: Open class self-launchers, 20m class self-launchers, Club class