20M 2SEAT |
Simon Briel & Enrique Levin Germany Duo Discus 2977 pts. |
Mark Travner Slovenia DG 300 3322 pts. |
15M |
Tomasz Hornik Poland Discus 2a 3272 pts. |
Sebastian Kawa Poland Diana 3 FES 3406 pts. |
In the table below you can watch competitors' flying statuses as well as statuses of their IGC files. All in real-time.
Select date: 2019-04-192019-04-202019-04-212019-04-252019-04-26
Select pilots by class (ordered by name): CLUB 15M 20M Multi-Seat OPEN ALL
Select pilots by task status (ordered by name): DNS FLYING HOME OUTLANDED ALL
No. | Name | Surname | Country | Contest No. | Class | Task Status | IGC Status |
1 | Christoph | Ackermann | CHE | AW | 15m | OUTLANDED | |
2 | Paul | Altrichter | AUT | AK | Club | OUTLANDED | DELIVERED |
3 | Miroslav | Belianský | SVK | TC | 15m | OUTLANDED | DELIVERED |
4 | Wolli | Beyer | DEU | 5B | Club | OUTLANDED | |
5 | Gerrit | Feige | DEU | ILM | Club | OUTLANDED | |
6 | Zbigniew | Gorecki | POL | C1 | Club | OUTLANDED | DELIVERED |
7 | Florian | Heilmann | DEU | 9 | Club | OUTLANDED | DELIVERED |
8 | Felix | Hoffmann | DEU | K2 | Club | OUTLANDED | DELIVERED |
9 | Miloš | Horvát | SVK | H | Club | OUTLANDED | DELIVERED |
10 | Philip | Joens | DEU | AP | 15m | OUTLANDED | DELIVERED |
11 | Adam | Kapuy | HUN | GJ | Club | OUTLANDED | DELIVERED |
12 | Wilhelm | Klomp | DEU | NW2 | 15m | OUTLANDED | DELIVERED |
13 | Michal | Lešinger | CZE | LL | Club | OUTLANDED | DELIVERED |
14 | Ulrich | Luta | DEU | ZU | Club | OUTLANDED | DELIVERED |
15 | Ivan | Novak | CZE | IX | Club | OUTLANDED | |
16 | Miha | Premrl | SVN | I9 | Club | OUTLANDED | DELIVERED |
17 | Marek | Sawczuk | POL | PT | Club | OUTLANDED | DELIVERED |
18 | Edmund | Schuller | SVK | ZS | Club | OUTLANDED | DELIVERED |
19 | Dominik | Süß | DEU | ULI | Club | OUTLANDED | DELIVERED |
20 | Andrius | Tamulenas | LTU | H8 | 15m | OUTLANDED | DELIVERED |
21 | Robert | Toth | HUN | PI | Club | OUTLANDED | DELIVERED |
22 | Niklas | Unterrainer | AUT | 8F | Club | OUTLANDED | DELIVERED |
23 | Marko | Virtanen | FIN | SI | 15m | OUTLANDED | |
24 | Michael | Wisbacher | DEU | M1 | 15m | OUTLANDED | DELIVERED |